Henry Adeyemi

On-Chain Analyst utilizing Flipsidecrypto and Dune

Skilled in Advanced Excel for Analytics, SQL, Power BI.
Python Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib & Seaborn
Contact me on Linkedin.

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Analysis of RTFKT x Nike CRYPTOKICKS

Cryptokick on Opensea

RTFKT together with Nike, introduced the first RTFKT x NIKE CRYPTOKICKS NFT in April 2022. This Project looks to examine how successful the mint was. Also aims to identify how the NFT has traded on the secondary market and the fee that has been paid to Nike ever since.

Income Gap around the World

Brewed Drinks

The analysis of the income of various countries of the world for the year 2008 and 2018. The esssense of this project is to assertain the influences that the income in a particular country has on different indicators in the country, checking for patterns with the Happiness Score, Children Per Woman, Life Expectancy and the Human Development Index.

Business Analysis on
International Breweries

Brewed Drinks

The analysis of international breweries data recorded for a duration of three years was used to determine how to make better decision in order to maximize profit and reduce loss to the minimum. During the analysis we tailored the analysis to answer certain business questions about the Breweries & their customers.