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My name is Henry Adeyemi, in short I am a Blockchain Analyst
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The bane of existence of any human being has to be a goal for living or an impact you will like to make while here on earth. For this reason I will begin this section about my goal as a human, therefore what does Henry want to acheive while on earth?
Henry Keys to the ideology of Africapitalism whereby Africans invest time, energy, and financial resources into businesses that can help to further improve the lives and social wealth of Africans. He is Looking to join a company that is working towards the goal of Africapitalism to learn how they’re achieving this on a large scale likewise contributing his Quota on making it a reality.

Henry is a graduate with a Bachelor of Technology in Mathematics (Statistics) from the Federal University of Technology, Niger a school located in the most populous country in Africa which is Nigeria. Adding to his degree he has built on his knowledge to better stay up to date on the technological needs of the industry, doing this he has relevant skills in Advanced Excel for Analytics, Structured Query Language (SQL), Data Cleaning, Extract Transform & Load (ETL), Power BI, vast with Microsoft Office Suite Packages, he has started learning Python Programming Language for Analytics.
He has a valuable work experience in Business Development and Data Analytics. During his time at a company, he was able to reduce the infrastructural cost of starting up a subsidiary of the business by negotiating with key stakeholders, likewise he was at the forefront of communication with customers to ensure customer satisfaction. Also generated an effective feedback strategy on what can be done to further improve customer satisfaction.

Henry is fascinated with the Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrency is the future of finance; it shows strong potentials to help create social wealth in Nigeria & also Africa at large. To make social wealth a norm in the african continent, cryptocurrency will be a key enabler to making this a reality.
In this regard; Henry contributes to the Blockchain Ecosystem by analyzing Blockchain Data, Leveraging his expertise in Flipsidecrypto and Dune Analytics, he provides comprehensive insights into Defi Protocols, enabling businesses and investors alike to make better investment decisions and providing analyses on leading protocols.

There is so much to learn, the market provides new complexities on a daily basis therefore Henry must continually work to improve on what he knows already. But then, don't we all?
Henry is looking to connect with others with similar goals and aspirations in life, are you that person? Do not hesitate to reach out on any of my socials. Can't wait to hear from you. Thanks once again.